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Daughter, You Have Been Healed

As you may or may not know, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which of course, focuses on bringing awareness to the abuse that so many women (and men) face throughout our world. I am a victim/ SURVIVOR of domestic violence, and if you are as well, I want to assure you that what you endured was NOT YOUR FAULT. Abusers abuse by choice. No one makes any person operate from a place of evil and destruction. IT’S A CHOICE. However, you are NOT your abuser, you are Gods Daughter, wonderfully created in the image of the Most High God. Whether you endured verbal, emotional, physical, spiritual, sexual or financial abuse………….. ABUSE IS ABUSE. Yes, we all fall short with controlling our temper, words and behaviors. Yes, we all have fell victim to accepting cultural norms that shouldn’t be normal, because in reality, they are toxic. However, abuse is an intentional pattern of evil, that is spearheaded by Satan Himself to KILL, STEAL and to DESTROY!


God is a God of JUSTICE and PEACE. God will NEVER ordain for us to be used and abused by anyone, which can be confusing, especially, when we have endured so much abuse, right? We must always keep in mind that this world is controlled by Satan, who is ruler of this world. Evil will exist until God destroys Satan, casting him into the lake of fire. God promises suffering in this world, but for His children, we will have eternal peace, free from all evil in eternity with Him. Until then, sis……………… KEEP RUNNING YOUR RACE. I also want to encourage you to HEAL. Healing is a weapon that defeats the enemy and glorifies God. See, our abuser isn’t healed; our abuser is broken. Like us, they do have a CHOICE to CHOOSE healing, but they have chosen to hurt…………. To KILL, STEEL and to DESTROY.


Healing for you may seem unattainable. You may be in a place where you feel unsupported, gaslit, and you may even be feeling guilty and shameful. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. However, not one of us has to live in such a dark place. Sis, God is present; His face is shining upon you. REACH OUT TO HIM. HOLD ON TO HIM. I also want you to know that we are sister, so let’s support and uplift one another as much as God provides the opportunity to do so. WE WERE CREATED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!


“For the Lord loves justice, And does not forsake His saints; They are preserved forever, But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.” Psalms 37:28 NKJV



“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” 1 Corinthians 9:24 NKJV


“And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”” Mark 5:34 NKJV




About Me


As a Christian, I truly believe that inspiration and encouragement can be found in God's word. As the founder of Godsdaughter Inspires Ministry, I strive to create a community of believers who support and uplift one another through faith and love. As a writer and mother, I understand how important it is to have a community to rely on, and I hope that our ministry can be that for you.

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