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Stand Your Ground

Relationships of any sort comes with its share of challenges. I truly believe that anytime two or more people bring their personal attitudes, character traits, traumas, insecurities, triumphs, traditions, and so on, into a relationship, a mixture of beauty and ugliness will be exposed. I have had my share of beautiful relationships, but…………. I have also, had my share of relationships that came with many challenges, hurts, and even regrets. I know, I should never regret anything, I can only be honest though, I literally have regretted some relationships. I now understand that those relationships were not formed by God’s divine intervention; those relationships were formed from deep rooted trauma within me. However, as God revealed more of HIMSELF to me, He has also revealed more of MYSELF. I now know what is healthy, and what is toxic. I now know what relationships are leading me to Christ, and what relationships are pulling me away.

Take a moment to reflect on your current relationships. The challenges that you have faced within the confinement’s of those relationships, were they brought upon by distractions from the enemy, or were they divine interruptions from God, sent to bring you into alignment with Him? Do you find it difficult to STAND YOUR GROUND, giving into guilt, insecurities, or lust? Are you operating out of a place of WISDOM within your relationships? Maybe like me, you no longer find standing up for yourself as a daunting task, but as a prerequisite to your dignity and long-term happiness.

The Lord commands for us to be alert, so that we can withstand the lies and attacks of the enemy. He also commands for us to NOT give in to sinful people that only wants to entice us to sin against Him, as well. Because the enemy prowls around, just waiting to devour our soul, spirit, mind, and purpose, he cleverly uses those that we are in relationship with to devour us. He used Cain, to kill Abel. He used Pharaoh, to kill innocent babies. He used Delilah to kill Samson. He used Judas to kill Jesus, and he uses our significant others, parents, friends, coworkers and even SELF, to kill our relationships, purpose and spirit. God wants for us to STAND OUR GROUND on the foundation of His Word. We just can’t give into those that are ONLY sent to distract us AWAY from what God has for us.

My son, if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them.” Proverbs‬ ‭1:10‬



1. What are three challenges am I currently facing within my closest relationships?

2. What lessons are God trying to teach me in my closest relationships, in hopes to bring me into closer relationship with Him?

3. Am I standing my ground in my closest relationships, or, am I giving in to things that are nothing more than distractions?



About Me


As a Christian, I truly believe that inspiration and encouragement can be found in God's word. As the founder of Godsdaughter Inspires Ministry, I strive to create a community of believers who support and uplift one another through faith and love. As a writer and mother, I understand how important it is to have a community to rely on, and I hope that our ministry can be that for you.

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