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Truth Be Told

TRUTH BE TOLD, relationships are true gifts from God, and when done correctly, they have a way of providing peace, stability, healing, growth, stretching and correcting. Relationships were formed before God formed  Adam from the grittiness of the dust, and Eve, from Adams rib. Relationships have existed always, because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit  have ALWAYS  existed, and though they are graciously joined together, forming ONE  GOD,  each deity operates out of separate persons. Let’s not forget the relationship between God and His Holy messengers. However, though relationships have forever existed, so has betrayal and deceit, those two little demons that has found every clever way possible, to enter into our hearts, destroying marriages, families and friendships, in massive numbers. TRUTH BE TOLD, they are the reason that the devil is prowling around now, looking for whom he can devour. Deceit and betrayal caused the devil to be ejected from Gods Holy presence, forever severing their once, close, intimate relationship.


How has betrayal and deceit affected the relationships that you hold dear? Have you ever found yourself in a cycle of toxicity, due to ignoring the TRUTHS that God continued to reveal to you? We tend to have 20/20 vision, pointing out the truths/flaws that are present in the relationships of our friends, family members and peers, however, when it comes to our own relationships, we become blinded by our insecurities and deep rooted traumas that are the foundation of which our relate built upon.


TRUTH BE TOLD, I have had a few toxic relationships myself. My last relationship was the worst, abusive relationship, that I could ever imagine to have been in. However, that toxic relationship served as an opportunity for me to evaluate my own traumas and insecurities. Can we blame ourselves for another persons desire to kill, steal and to destroy us? NO. However, we have a responsibility to operate out of the identity that we were created in, which is in the image of Christ. Therefore, it is MY responsibility……………. YOUR responsibility, to choose healing, deliverance and self worth, which immediately makes us a threat to the enemy, rather, prey.


TRUTH BE TOLD, God wants for us to have healthy, flourishing relationships; God is a loving FATHER. He knows that through relationships, His glory can be magnified and ministered throughout the world. He knows that healing, guidance, correction and growth, can be established when we are in healthy, intimate relations with one another, with self, and most importantly, with Him. STOP hurting YOU! Walking in anything but God’s TRUTH, isn’t cute on you. When those that come in contact with you, see that you are are “imperfectly” obedient to being who God has created for you to be, they get to see  Him for themselves. Don’t allow for fear, insecurities, betrayal and deceit, to distort what is true, which is the FACT that, YOU CAN be healed. YOU CAN be delivered. YOU CAN be set free from the cycle of toxic relationships. TRUTH BE TOLD…………. YOU WERE CREATED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!


“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” John‬ ‭8:32‬ ‭NIV‬‬




Reflective Questions

  1. What truths have God been revealing to you, about the health of your current/past relationships, that are/were hindering your identity in Him?

2. What past traumas are you in need of being delivered/healed from?

3. What responsibility do you have at building and sustaining healthy, flourishing relationships, which will aid at ending the cycle of toxicity?


About Me


As a Christian, I truly believe that inspiration and encouragement can be found in God's word. As the founder of Godsdaughter Inspires Ministry, I strive to create a community of believers who support and uplift one another through faith and love. As a writer and mother, I understand how important it is to have a community to rely on, and I hope that our ministry can be that for you.

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