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What Are You Telling Yourself?

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

I firmly believe that the only true hater that I have, is MYSELF. I have made it a priority to teach this little piece of WISDOM to my children. I want them to fully understand that, it is NOT the efforts of the other person to destroy them, that will destroy them, it is the efforts (or lack of) of SELF, that will bring forth great reward, or great destruction. I am fully aware that the CANCEL CULTURE that we live in today, is quick to throw shade on any person that does not do as they do, nor, think as they think. I am also fully aware that people want you to do good, as long as you are NOT doing better than they are.

Though it is quite evident that we live in a dog-eat- dog world, does this necessarily mean that the world gets to control our narrative? When it comes down to it, it’s never about what others say about us, that holds any weight. Though it’s a great blessing to have genuine and supportive people in our lives, it really comes down to if we are being genuine to our own identity, and if we are supporting ourselves. I want to encourage you to ask yourself this one question, “DO I LIKE ME?”. Well……… DO YOU? When you find yourself in a place of uncertainty, are you uplifting yourself? Just when you thought that you had everything figured out, and the aroma of peace has FINALLY filled your space, permeating from wall to wall, then, out of know where, chaos erupts and you are back to feeling, lost, scared, stretched and just DONE, what words do you speak to yourself?

God has given us a book of great WISDOM, that instructs us to love Him, to love others, and to love ourselves. We may tell ourselves everyday that we love ourselves, but if we fail to SPEAK LIFE into ourselves, then we are not doing such a great job at loving ourselves. Words have power, and God tells us this in Proverb 18:21. We have the power to speak life over ourselves, and we have the power to speak death over ourselves. So, when we guard our lips, we are preserving our life. You are God’s SPECIAL CREATION; you are so special to Him, that He created you in His own image. So, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING TO YOURSELF? It doesn’t matter what you spoke yesterday, because it has come and gone, but today, I want to encourage you to start SPEAKING LIFE over yourself. ENCOURAGE yourself. INSPIRE yourself. LOVE yourself.

"Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin" Proverbs 13: 3



1. Am I speaking words of life over myself, or words of death over my self, when I find myself in situations that causes me to feel down?

2. Am I allowing for the views and opinions of others to dictate how I should feel about myself?

3. What do I need to surrender over to God, in hopes to view myself in the way that He does, so that I can begin to speak life into myself, and into challenging situations?

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About Me


As a Christian, I truly believe that inspiration and encouragement can be found in God's word. As the founder of Godsdaughter Inspires Ministry, I strive to create a community of believers who support and uplift one another through faith and love. As a writer and mother, I understand how important it is to have a community to rely on, and I hope that our ministry can be that for you.

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